Acting with Art
"Do you recognize me? I'm everyone. Think of your favorite live action show, with your favorite actors. Man, I love those guys. When they are sipping champagne on a yacht I bet they wish they were an artist in animation like me - because I get to be the whole cast. I'm everyone, and you've never seen me."
​“Acting with Art” is a traveling, in-depth art workshop for all skill levels to learn from a professional how to utilize drawings in sequential acting to tell a story or convey emotions. The workshop is approachable, delivered with humor and encouragement to let loose and not focus on how "good" a drawing is, rather, how well it communicates. AwA has been a popular, room-packing workshop panel at many conventions across the United States and has been featured as a package with Pinkie Davis' Guest of Honor services. AwA is available to universities, state, and community colleges for a flat rate / travel + per diem - or given to California middle and high schools as a way to give back to the community.
Acting with Art (.1 - 2hrs) teaches attendees how to tell a story, joke, or convey emotion through drawing, regardless of prior experience or skill level. Attendees receive professional revision notes & learn how to partake in peer feedback so they can watch their own improvement in as little as 30 minutes. The goal of this workshop is to learn how to share your ideas with others in a visual medium, and experience working with creative feedback & incorporating the ideas of others. A Q&A can be held during drawing time or post workshop.
- HDMI in for cintiq drawing tablet to screenshare, or projector setup.
- Microphone (large spaces)
- traditional drawing materials for attendees
- slideshow presentation, Q&A, live drawing presentation
Upcoming AwA Workshops:
- Cal State University Los Angeles - 2/14
​- Furry Weekend Atlanta, GA - 5/9 - 5/13
- TBD Los Angeles College
- Another Fur Con Ontario CA (USA)- 9/27-9/29

Speaking, Q&A, and portfolio reviews
Other speaking services
Pinkie is available to speak at colleges, conventions, events, and schools for a flat rate / travel +per diem. Previous clients include: Nothern Michigan University, Burbank Public Schools, Southern Oregon University, Fursonacon, Furrydelphia, Raliegh Comic Con, and more to come!
Inquire below